Pirongs Diaries

Pirongs was established in 1961 and is synonymous with the supply of academic diaries. If you know a teacher or have worked in the education profession, you will almost certainly have seen or even purchased one of the specialist Pirongs diaries. The company has evolved with the times and now supplies a stunning range of vibrant diaries and you can even customise your own diary to suit your specific aesthetic likes and needs. Through having a proactive approach to design and recognising the constantly changing demands and requirements of teachers, Pirongs now supplies fully customisable diaries offering a huge range of combinations of covers, wires and ribbons.

The Pirongs site is constructed on the Magento e-commerce platform and incorporates the design and branding that is consistent across the range of products that Pirongs supplies. The e-commerce shop not only allows customers to personalise and customise their products, it is also designed to include a range of information rich content that reflects the brand and aspirations of Pirongs. The site is designed with the customer needs and demands at the forefront with an easy-to-use navigational system and purchasing process.

If you have a query or project in mind, drop by. The coffee's always on or give us a call on 07530 075454